Install Drupal with Existing Configuration using Chain Commands

Sometimes a developer wants to provision a Drupal site from a shared configuration. Each site beginning with the same settings, same enabled modules, and the same active theme. In the past, you would use the Config Installer module to stand up a new site from existing configuration. Unfortunately this project is now deprecated. So what now? A developer could either create a custom profile to remove all uuid key values from each configuration file in the profile (usually the first line) or create a chain command to run multiple drupal console commands at once.

In this post, we’ll create a new Drupal site from existing configuration without worrying Drupal throwing an error about the configuration not matching the site uuid.

First, turn off Drupal’s setting to validate a configuration file’s uuid with the site uuid. Changing this setting would work with the custom profile method too.

drupal settings:set overrides.config.skip-validate-site-uuid true

If you’re unfamiliar with Drupal Console, you can read more about it on their website.

command: name: build description: 'Build site by installing and importing configuration' commands: # Install site - command: site:install options: langcode: en db-type: mysql db-host: db db-name: default db-user: user db-pass: user db-port: 3306 site-name: My Drupal site site-mail: account-name: admin account-mail: account-pass: admin force: true arguments: profile: standard # Import configurations - command: config:import # Rebuild cache - command: cache:rebuild arguments: cache: all
drupal chain --file="/var/www/config/build.yml"

For more information about chain commands, you can read their documentation page.